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Rain Garden
The intent of the rain garden (to be located adjacent to the benches in the breezeway) is to prevent soil and mulch from being washed across the breezeway sidewalk directly into the storm drain in that location.
In Math class, middle school students determined the required size of the rain garden by calculating the amount of roof runoff that flows to the adjacent downspout.
Last year, a perc test of the soil in that area was performed by the 7th grade Science classes to determine the soil's suitability to absorb water. It was determined that the soil did not drain very well, so topsoil will be mixed in during the garden's installation.
2nd grade students helped by monitoring the sun and shadows in the proposed location to determine what kinds of plants would thrive best in that area; and the Environmental Club researched and selected the plants and shrubs that will be planted later this fall.
Energy Conservation Signs
The Environmental Club made energy saving "Turn out the Lights" signs out of upcycled cereal and cracker boxes and hung them above each classroom's light switches.
Recently, they made an announcement on the Morning Show to bring attention to the signs and encourage students to turn the lights off, not only when they leave the classroom, but also sometimes while they're having class. This saves extra energy and creates a more calming atmosphere for learning. |
Campus and Community Trash Clean-ups
Since its inception in 2015, the Environmental Club has been performing campus trash clean-ups on a regular basis. Last year, they upped their game by venturing out into the community, walking down to the butterfly garden behind Safeway. Believe it or not, kids love to pick up trash! |
Marker Recycling
Last year, the Environmental Club created marker collection bins using upcycled shipping boxes. Each classroom received a bin with a note explaining what it was to be used for. Club members also composed an email to the teachers explaining what they were trying to do.
During the end-of-year cleanout, each class placed their old, unusable, plastic writing utensils (markers, highlighters, pens and mechanical pencils) in the collection boxes.
The Environmental Club collected the items, sorted out those that didn't belong, and counted everything that was collected.
They saved 17 pounds of plastic from being sent to the landfill! |
No Idle Zone
Last year, students learned about the harmful effects of car emissions and created "No Idle Zone" posters in Art class.
Eight posters were selected to be printed out on yard signs that were then displayed in the school parking lot to encourage parents to turn their cars off during dismissal.
Walk N' Roll to School
To reduce the school’s carbon footprint, students recently participated in a “Walk ‘N’ Roll Week” where students, faculty, and staff were encouraged to find creative ways to get to and from school, whether it be biking, walking, or carpooling to save car miles and excess emissions.
There is already rumor of some families continuing to ride their bikes to school throughout the remainder of the school year!
Data on car miles saved is still being collected, so check back soon for updates! |
Outdoor Learning Spaces
Students in 4th and 5th grade have been working hard to plan and maintain our outdoor classroom spaces, located at the teak benches and wooden picnic tables in the breezeway. Though the teak benches were a donation from a St. Peter's family, the wooden picnic tables were purchased in response to a request made by the Student Council.
4th and 5th graders have oiled the teak benches several times; Math classes have calculated the volume of mulch required for the space; in Library class, they are researching the benefits of learning outside and will display posters of their findings in the hallways and on the Morning Show. Their goal is to inspire students to encourage their teachers to take them outside to learn as much as possible!
The extended care students are in the process of selecting stepping stones which they will then paint and place around the benches.
These spaces have been used regularly by many different classes for multiple purposes: Reading, Learning, Praying, Singing, Eating lunch, Partying, etc!
Reusable Bag Drive
In collaboration with Green Olney, the Environmental Club sponsored a reusable bag drive this October. With participation from the school community, we collected 56 reusable bags that were then donated to the Olney Farmers and Artists Market.
Green Cleaners
With instruction and guidance by Mrs. Baschuk, our school nurse, 3rd graders made reusable disinfecting wipes and all-purpose cleaners using natural ingredients!
Students first learned all about germs: what they are, what types there are, the difference between harmful and helpful germs, and how to protect ourselves from the harmful kind. They also discussed the difference between 'cleaning' and 'disinfecting' and the appropriate use of each.
Prior to making the green cleaners, the class discussed the harmful effects of using harsh chemical cleaners on our bodies and on the environment, and they reviewed the ingredients lists of two commercially made household cleaners and compared them to the simple ingredients lists of their green cleaners.
After making their cleaners, they tested them out and cleaned their classrooms from top to bottom!! Mrs. Baschuk has volunteered to take the used wipes home for laundering and reuse.
To spread the word about their awesome project, and encourage students, faculty, and parents to make their own green cleaners at home, the students created posters about the benefits of green cleaners, which are on display in the school hallways, and made an appearance on the Morning Show.
Their message and recipes can be found HERE!
Coming Soon! Animal Habitats Sponsored by Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Upcoming Events
- Friday, March 14
- Thursday, March 20
- Tuesday, March 25
- Friday, March 28
- Thursday, April 10